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Christian Poetry

Christian Poetry; Including poems by Maud Van Order of Michigan

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Autumn Days

  • O blissful autumn days,
    Please linger here awhile
    We love thy winsome ways
    Our minds thou dost beguile.

    Thy days are filled with peace;
    Thy nights, with incense sweet,
    Are far too short for us,
    Thy moments all too fleet.

    The splendor of thy hours
    From fleeting night ‘till dawn
    Proclaim thy sudden death;
    Thou’rt swifter than a fawn.

    I’d love to grasp thee tight
    And never let thee go—
    For winter with its cold
    And ice and frost and snow.

    M.E. Van Order

Monday, October 12, 2009

A Cleansing

  • Like line, snow white,
    Drying in the breeze;
    Sun-bleached, immaculate,
    Requiring nothing more
    But folding and giving to each
    Satin fold a crease,
    Then laid away in lavender
    Ready to adorn, to satisfy and please.

    So must my mind and soul
    Become snow-white,
    Drained of darkness,
    Filtered through with Love,
    Each corner filled with charity and peace,
    Ready and immaculate
    To soar above and live with angels
    In everlasting light.

    Maud E. Van Order

Monday, October 5, 2009


The time is at hand
When I can’t see today
For the days that have gone;
For those sweet yesterdays
Of unrealized joy,
When I was a girl
And when you were my boy

Yes the time is at hand
When today seems a myth,
And the days that are gone
Are my memories gold.
What care I for today,
For I live for the joy
That I once was your girl,
When you were my boy.

Song Lyric